Thank you to all our runners for helping to make 2015 a brilliant year!


Happy New Year everyone!!!

We hope you’ve recovered from the New Year celebrations and had a great Christmas as well. With the end of 2015, and the beginning of a new year, we at the Uganda Marathon wanted to take this opportunity to say:


We’re very grateful to everyone who’s been involved with the marathon over the last year, whether you ran the event in 2015, or have decided to take the plunge in 2016.

This past year has been a hugely successful one for the Uganda Marathon. May saw the event be pioneered. Six days of adventure, travel, volunteering, running and most of all- fun! As the 2015 gallery suggests, the week was a big success in terms of the runners’ experience.

The event also raised a whopping £73,000 for the nine Ugandan projects partnered by the marathon, and made the event the country’s second biggest public fundraising event ever! (If you would like more information on how this money is helping to change lives in Uganda, please click here.)

Furthermore the marathon has been recognised in the media (featured in The Guardian, London Evening Standard and Runners World) and for awards too- the Uganda Marathon was featured in the Wall Street Journal’s Extra Mile 40 Awards and is currently nominated in the UK Running Awards for ‘best international event’, alongside famous marathons such as Berlin and Boston.

So its been a great year for the marathon, but without you, the runners, it wouldn’t have happened. It’s your efforts in fundraising, training, wiliness to help others and do something amazing, which has made all this possible. A MASSIVE THANK YOU to all our runners…. from our 2015 runners who helped to establish the marathon, and to our 2016 sign ups (and returning ’15 runners) who have decided to take over the torch. You’ve all contributed to improving people’s lives and helping them reach their potential, which is amazing!

2016 is shaping up to be very exciting too! The marathon is on track to be even bigger this year, both in terms of runners, fundraising and the impact made, with more projects being supported. Marathon week is looking even more jam-packed this year too, and there’s plenty else planned in advance. Watch this space & our social media… It would great to get as many 2016 & 2015 runners involved in these, even if you not travelling to Uganda this year.

In the meantime, thank you once again for your support and we wish you all the best for 2016! We hope it’s an incredible year for you and everything you want it to be! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from the UGM team!



Not signed up, but thinking the Uganda Marathon (or half marathon or 10K) might be the new year’s resolution for you? Well it’s not too late- places are going quickly, but you could be 1 of 200 runners travelling to Uganda for ‘a week like no other’ this year!

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You will also immediately receive a full info pack that has loads of information about the 2023 Uganda Marathon. Read all about this amazing, record-breaking event!

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