On 24th May 2015, as the starting pistol sounded in Liberation Square, waves of international runners and ugandan runners began a race like no other. Running either a marathon, half marathon or 10K race in rural Uganda, with the aim of making a difference.

As one of the runners who travelled to Uganda and took on 26 miles on the equator, I can certainly say race day and week leading up to it was one of the best weeks of my life, and an unique experience.

But now six months later, long after myself and one thousand other runners crossed the finish line in their respective races, what impact has Uganda’s first ever international marathon had, and what legacy has it created?

One of the international runners crosses the fine line in Liberation Square to complete the marathon

It’s Made a Lasting Difference to Nine Projects

Running the Uganda Marathon is all about doing something amazing and fundraising for great, charitable causes. So as the first Uganda Marathon managed to raise £73,000 (making it the second biggest fundraising event in Uganda ever), this means the UGM team has been able to work with several Uganda-based projects to make a long-term, sustainable difference to the Masaka community.

There’s still lots of work to be done, but in just six months the efforts of the international runner’s fundraising as made a difference to many people’s lives. For example at Bugabira school (which offers free education to children from low income families) marathon support has meant a chicken coup structure has been built. This means the school will now have it’s own source of income to support itself for years to come.

The new Chicken Coup Structure will help support the education of many Ugandan children for many years to come
The new Chicken Coup Structure will help support the education of many Ugandan children for many years to come

Likewise fundraising from the 2015 event has allowed the project MVRC (Masaka Vocational & Rehabilitation Centre) to set up a facility to teach metal work, providing disabled children with vocational skills, whilst the project STEP (Support for the Elderly Person) has been able to build it’s own self-sufficent source of income for the centre- a piggery.

The marathon’s fundraising has already begun to make a difference to thousands of uganda’s lives across the nine projects collectively, and as it’s being invested in sustainable methods, the difference this fundraising makes will only increase.

(If you would like to read more information on how the fundraising has helped all the projects so far, click here for more details.)

Inspiring the Masaka Community….to Run!

When nine hundred Uganda runners got involved in the event on 24th May, no one thought it would have sparked a new trend in Masaka, which would have continued after the event. It’s now quite common to see Ugandans out for a run. This not only offers a new hobby for the population, but has added health benefits too.

The late summer months also saw the launch of the Masaka Running Club as result of the town’s new craze, which aims to bring the community together through the love of running.

Masaka Running Club
The Masaka Running Club out for a jog- rumour has it they’ve already started training for the Uganda Marathon 2016!

So not only has the Uganda Marathon had an impact on projects in Masaka, it’s also left a sporting legacy on the town too.

It’s Created a Community…amongst the International Runners

During marathon week, it was a great opportunity to meet a lot of new people and make new friends amongst the international runners- people I’m still in contact with now. The UGM team has also worked hard to create community amongst the runners, here in the UK.

Since the event, there was a reunion in July in London, and recently there was another reunion at an ‘Escape the City’ Event in November, which has been a great chance to have some drinks and catch up with people.

There’s also been the UGM #ParkRunTour on most Saturday mornings over the past several months, which has involved a 5K run and then a coffee afterwards with fellow runners.

The runners after completing a 5K Park Run at Wimbledon, before they grab a coffee and some breakfast!

So the marathon’s impact has reached far outside Uganda, with it creating a community of friends here in the UK (and internationally too).

It’s Changed Lives! (of the international runners)

When some of the runners signed up for the marathon, little did they know it would change their lives. Many international runners were so inspired by their Ugandan experience that they’ve changed their careers or gone back to Uganda to try and make even bigger difference to the community.

Some of the runners have gone back out to Uganda to set up their own projects, whilst others have returned there to work for charities already establish in Masaka.

Creative Canvas
Two international runners, Neil & Katie have gone back out to Uganda to set up their own project- ‘Creative Canvas’ in Masaka
Gee ran the marathon and fell so in love with Uganda, she’s recently moved out their to work for an NGO which promotes sustainable development through social enterprise and education

And even for the international runners who still find themselves based in the UK, the trip made a huge impact on their lives. Some are now busy working on initiatives to support Uganda from home, whilst there’s also been opportunities to continue to support some of the projects we visited on an ongoing basis. For example myself and fellow international runners Nikki and Ian have been able to continue to support the project Youth with a Vision, in their business education program since returning home (via email).

A Legacy to Build on…

After just six months Uganda’s first international marathon has created a bigger legacy than anyone could have anticipated. From it’s impact on Masaka, to community it’s created, to lives it’s changed- both Ugandan and international runner alike.

And with the Ugandan marathon 2016 supporting more projects, with more runners participating, it’s set to build on the success of the first and create an even bigger impact. We hope you can be there at the start line on 5th June 2016, to help create an even bigger legacy in Uganda and beyond!

The UGM team & 100 international runners created quite a legacy in 2015- will you be there in June to shape the legacy of the Uganda Marathon 2016?